Happy 1/2 Birthday, Asher! Asher has changed a lot in the last month or so. He is now into a good routine. He sleeps from 8 to between 5 or 6 am typically at night. Oh, and you know when he started sleeping through the night? When he learned to roll onto his stomach & sleep like that. Humm... He nurses and then goes back to sleep until 7:30-8am. When he wakes, he has started to play with the toys in his crib (that is always a shocker). He nurses at 5am-8-12-4-and then 7:30-8 pm for the night. He finally started swallowing a couple bites of baby food. He is not a fan of baby cereal, but likes the baby fruits and vegetables okay. I can usually get him to take 3-4 bites before the head turning begins. Addison loves to help feed Asher, too! Physically he is growing and changing too. He had his first hair cut or trim over his ears. He still has a little mohawk, but he has lots of spiky hair all over now where it is growing back. He can now sit well without support and has started to lunge forward a bit more at toys. He also likes to stand at the toy box (with Mommy right there of course) and pick out toys and toss them out (or eat them). His favorite thing is to roll all over. It is difficult to catch Asher without a teether, his hands or even his feet in his mouth! He does not have any teeth yet, but is a big drooler. He has become more vocal, too, chatting to Addison some (and laughing at her a lot). Addison and Asher are really close and already play well together. I do have to watch Addison close, though, because she tends to think Asher should already be ready to play catch ball with her! Nap time is a bit trickier. Asher tends to wake up later in the morning, sometimes around 8. He rarely seems to be ready for a nap at 10. By 11, he is usually getting tired, but it is almost lunchtime. So, I keep him awake for lunchtime, then he naps most of the afternoon (on good days). I need to work on the morning nap situation better because he gets so tired in the morning. He goes to sleep better in the afternoon, too, if he has had his morning nap. Bad Mommy!
At his 6 month check up Asher was growing well. He was 26 inches long (41%), 15lb 5 oz (17%). His head is a little small varying from no to little growth (from negative on the charts to just on the growth chart). I was a little concerned at first, but Asher is developing fine. My pediatrician's wife is a pediatric neurologist, and she said just to watch him and she was sure he would come around. Chris reminded me not to go Mommy about it! Asher did not mind the exam at all, smiling at the pediatrician. However, I think he could do without all the shots (and Addison did not like those either!).
Today, after getting his 6 month pictures taken this morning (along with Alivia's 4 year pictures) we celebrated with a 1/2 birthday cake that the girls & I made (we found yet another reason to eat more cake!). I even let him try a little frosting! He ate it despite not being able to taste it probably because of his cold.
Happy 1/2 Birthday, Asher!