Friday, June 29, 2007

Frustration... a new word in our family lately, one Alivia is finding the meaning to quickly. This evening, the nanny called and quit. Yes, the nanny that was to begin on Monday called and quit before she even started. Seriously, did she think she had to clean? Now we are back to the Grandmas to get us by until we find someone else. Can you say, "The handwriting is on the wall"?

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Addison's Going to Be 1 Year Old!

Join us for fun under the sun,

As Addison Rose turns ONE!

Sunday, July 15th at 3pm

Well, the invitations have been snail mailed out! It is difficult to believe that Addison is going to be 1 already. We are having a party with family to celebrate her big day (which is actually on the 12th). We plan on having sandwiches, salads, a Big "1" cake, and icecream. I will, of course, post tons a pictures! Hopefully Addison can open up a bit and enjoy her party.

On July 12th, you can see Addison on Channel 6's 1st Birthdays at 5:45 and 6:45am. Until then, Addison will continue to have us all chasing after her, up the stairs, around the house, around the park, and around the yard. One day after turning 11 months, she got her first tooth on the bottom. She is trying to do a lot of chewing with the one tooth that is barely showing! Unlike her sister, she is a picky little eater. She pushes food away, or, if Mommy is persistant, she will take the food and then toss it. That is always a lot of fun (imagine a bowl, which was to stick to the table, full of homemade mac n cheese tossed on our wood floor. YUCKY!). She is a little lovebug, coming up to us just to give us a hug several times a day. We love that! We love this stage, as with every stage of our girls' lives. You have to enjoy every moment while you can. 

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Monday, June 25, 2007

"I need help!"

That is a phrase that it took me years to say. I am the first to admit, I am quite stubborn. But, with 2 kids and being quite tired and many times sick with our third child, I am finding it difficult to keep up with it all. Although there are many Moms of 2 or more kids that work, I do not personally know of very many that I can talk to on how they juggle it all (believe me, if I could, I would be an at home Mommy cleaning during naptime).  Anyway...a couple months ago, I finally started calling about getting someone to help with the household cleaning. By the time I get home from work, get dinner, clean up, play a bit with the girls, bath time - it is 8:30 and I am exhausted. I then have to study for my job (new products coming out in August), and do my other at home work for my job. Then, about 9:30-10, I have to clean up a little bit. If I am tired or something and skip it...there is just more to do the following night. You get my drift.

I thought finding a cleaning lady would be simple. No. The first one cancelled before even showing up for an estimate. The second one (the one I have now), did a HORRIBLE job on her first clean, the next time she did not show up until 4:45 (giving her 15 minutes to clean our home). Needless to say, I had her go home. I have tried to get others between these 2, all charging too much for me. Remember, I am quite a conservative spender, but try to be very particular about a clean house. For a family without cable because I think it is a waste of time and money, devoted any money to a cleaning lady is a big splurge.

So, I now know why it took me so long to say, "I need help." Sometimes it is just better to try and do it all myself. :) Happy cleaning.

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Friday, June 22, 2007


Success at first meant getting my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. The next thing success meant to me was to be married to my wonderful husband, Chris. Next, success was getting a job in pharmaceutical sales. Success then had to be being the best and achieving president's club for top sales. If that was not enough, success meant getting my MBA. After all that was said and done, success was to finally become parents. Now, as a Mommy to 2 and soon to be 3 babies, success has taken on a much different meaning.

Today, success means ALIVIA IS STAYING DRY AT NIGHT! I wake her at 10pm every night, she goes potty, and then is dry every night. This is her success...but as a Mommy, it feels good to have less laundry to do (and this is actually success...the other stuff was just stuff leading to successes as a Mommy!)! Yeah, Alivia!

Now, doesn't success feel good?

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Year of Change

Oh, where do I begin? Well, I will start on April 26. 2 weeks prior to this date, I started running with my neighbor, Beth. Running has always been a passion of mine. I also had some things to tone since having Addison 9 months prior. I was having fun with our new evening activity, but I had begun to have what I thought to be low blood sugar in the evenings and in the mornings. This would not have been uncommon since I was still pumping extra in the evening, was running, and was now skipping the evening snack (because I was running where I was spending the time snacking before). I did not think anything of this until my friend, Heidi, called on Tuesday, April 24, to announce they were expecting their third baby. As excited as I was for them, I then began to think to myself...could I be PREGNANT?! No way! After all, my body was not functioning correctly since I was still nursing. I could not be. Right? So, Thursday morning (April 26), I stopped and picked up a test. Sure enough, it was positive almost instantly! Oh my goodness, I had to call Chris at work. I was in shock. Chris just did not believe me!! He was shocked (and still is) to say the least. I called and scheduled blood work and an ultrasound. Since baby's due dates are typically figured by the woman's cycle, our due date is more of an educated guess. My blood work at that first appointment had me at 7 weeks. My ultrasound was conflicting. So, I did not get a due date. I guessed it to be December sometime so we could announce our surprise in the end of photobooks we were giving the Grandmas for Mother's Day.They were surprised as well! At the 8 week appointment  I was told my due date would be right around Christmas, but still no exact due date (although they are only estimates anyway). At my supposed 12 week appointment last week, I had another ultrasound and my due date was set - December 27, 2007. Alivia was born at 36 weeks and Addison was born at 37 weeks. I am hoping for a somewhat early arrival so we do not have a Christmas Birthday. How have I been feeling, well better after being placed on Zofran. This is a drug used for nausea in chemo patients. I was on it with Addison, and I could not have made it without it! I was quite sick on Zofran for a couple weeks this time. It is slowly improving, but I still know when a pill is due. Maybe in a few more weeks (I was on it until week 16 with Addison). I am now 13 weeks. After mailing out the announements last week (to everyone except my work, unless they read this blog), we told Alivia. She, at first, said she wanted 2 sisters. Then, changed her mind and said she wanted a baby brother like her baby cousin Henry. She has not said much since. I really do not think she knows what is going on yet. I do think she will be Mommy's little helper this time. Addison, is just figuring out what babies are. For the most part, she thinks "babies" are dolls. At 11 months, she is still a baby herself!

We are so excited to have another baby. We found out that God definitely has His way of planning things. Chris said at the beginning of 2007, "This is going to be the year of change." We had NO IDEA what that meant at the time. I just thought he was going to get a new job! So far, we just hired a nanny (which we are so excited about), we are looking for a bigger car (oh I dare say MINIVAN?), we are trying to decide if we want to remodel our office and move that space to the spare bedroom in the basement so that each of our kids can have their own room, and we will be having  a new bundle of joy joining the Austin Family in December (and I am not even listing off every change)!!

Now, that is a year of change! 

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Daddy and His Girls
Flighing high in the CT.
Chris takes flight in a CT plane

Our Annual Father's Day in Iowa at the flight breakfast was exciting this year. Daddy was able to get a test ride in a plane Grandma Bill is considering. The girls had a good time, too. Happy Father's Day!

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

God's Blessings

God's Blessings come in many shapes and sizes,

Some even come as big surprises.

We were happy with our family of four,

But God thought we would be happier with just one more.

December 27, 2007, is now the approximate date,

For a baby girl or baby boy, we will just have to wait.



Chris & Krista

Alivia, Soon to be "Crowned the Big Sister" again &

Addison, Soon to be "Crowned the Middle Sister"


Thank-you, God, for your surprises!

(I am now 12 weeks)

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Addison turns 11 months old!

Our little baby is growing into a little girl. She is setting her own pace, as both of our girls tend to do. Unlike Alivia at this age, Addison gets around by crawling and cruising well. Outside, however, she moves like a spider, never allowing her body to touch the ground. Addison can stand alone - but refuses to take her first steps. She has perfected crawling upstairs and up the slide (the baby one at the park and the toddler slide we have in our basement)! She shows no interest in climbing the steps and going down the right way on the slide in our basement, either. She is quite vocal, mostly squeeling to get her needs met. Her only words: Mama, Dada and Piper (our cat). I am strict with words though. I have to hear her say something twice for me to count it. Unlike with Alivia, I am not allowing others to convince me that there is something wrong with her because she is not talking nor walking. As a nurse by education, I realize babies set their own pace. Addison has yet to do any signs. Alivia was signing at 8 months, but I have not had as much time to focus on this with Addison. She waves, does the whole SO BIG, and shakes her head yes. But as far as signing milk, more, eat, etc...she just has not shown interest. I am hoping in the next month she will begin to communicate by signing.

Addison's favorite things continue to be her taggies and her favorite toy is her little piano that her big sister colored green today. She also loves to play with rocks outside, but I am waiting for her to try and eat them. Inside she has found the pantry, the towel drawer and the storage containers. Letting her go crazy while I get dinner can get rather messy. One of Chris and my favorite things about Addison is her sleeping habits. We lay her down at night with her taggie and she goes right to sleep without a peep. When she wakes in the morning, she lays, sits or stands quietly until I check on her and see she is awake! The same thing goes for naptime! Gotta love that!

In one month, she will be 1 year old. That is so hard to believe!

Addison will have her 11 month pictures taken on this Thursday. Check out proofs at Look for Addison's proofs to be available Friday or Monday of next week probably. I will post her picture from today as soon as I get it loaded.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Yummy chicken toes...

Chicken ToesButtery Grilled Veges

I know...that does not sound good! Call them whatever you want, they turned out yummy. I have been hunting for new, fun things to make for dinner around here. Alivia and Chris like chicken nuggets, but I refuse to buy any of the unhealthy versions in the store. I found this recipe in my April issue of Parents Magazine, which adapted the recipe from "Cooking Rocks! Rachael Ray's 30-minute Meals for Kids." That is a book on the top of my want list! What working Mom has more than 30 minutes? (or Mom in general for that matter).

Okay, here it is.

Crunchy Oven-Baked Chicken Toes

1 c. cornflakes cereal, crushed

1 c plain bread crumbs

2 Tbs. brown sugar

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1/2 tsp allspice

3 Tbs. vegetable oil

1/3 c. flour

2 eggs, beaten

1 1/2 lbs. chicken-breast, cut into 20 pieces.

1/4 c honey mustard

1/4 c barbecue sauce

1. Heat oven to 375. In large bowl, combine cornflake crumbs, bread crumbs, brown sugar, salt, pepper, and allspice.

2. Drizzle vegetable oil evenly over the cornflake mixture. mix well to combine. Place flour and beaten eggs into separate bowls. Dredge the chicken toes in the flour, then the eggs, andthen the cornflake mixture. Pat to form an even coating. Arrange the chicken toes about 1 inch apart on a nonstick baking sheet. Place the chicken in the oven and cook until crisp and brown all over, about 15-20 minutes.

3. In small bowl, mix together honey mustard and barbecue sauce for dipping (We just had bbq sauce).

 Makes 4-6 servings.

I served it with grilled vegetables (peppers tonight) and cubed watermelon. Alivia loved the grilled peppers. This is a girl that until recently would not dare to eat a vegetable (which started when she was about 12 months old. Interesting considering she nursed for just over a year and I eat mostly fruits and vegetables). 

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

A week gladly over.

Brent and Henry
Henry's Baptism
Baby Henry
Jumping on the trampoline

What a week. After all that went on last week, it is no wonder why our entire family now has a cold. I am now just getting the sore I guess it's my turn. After the whole daycare incident (and the 2 prior ones) Chris and I are done with childcare. We are going to utilize family for the mean time until we can figure something out. Chris will maybe consider a nanny type person to just watch our girls and maybe ours with their own children. But, that is it. And, that is a big maybe, too. We just had no idea the evil in this world until this week. It is really sad. Why can't we live closer to my friend, Heidi? :)

Today was our nephew Henry's baptism. Chris is honored to be his Godfather. We already marked it in the calendar so we can be sure to recognize his baptism day yearly. Chris wants to be the best Godparent and uncle he can be. I will post pictures when I get them loaded.

We are praying for a nice, peaceful week this week. I really do not think we can take too many more twists, turns and surprises. But, you never know...

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Pathetic Baker

Okay, let me explain. I am not THAT pathetic really. After all, I had a job in high school making cookies everyday for a local business. I loved that job! With that said, I will get to the pathetic part. I love oatmeal cookies. I have this recipe that came from my now 92 year old Grandma. However, the recipe only works if you use lard. WHO USES THAT ANYMORE? Anyway, I had this big craving for oatmeal cookies and I did not have a good recipe. So, while doing my Friday evening grocery shopping, I actually bought one of those Betty Crocker Cookie in a bag things. I often wondered when I saw those, "Now who would buy those?" Oh, I would! Let me tell you, they are NOT homemade. But, they were okay and I guess I filled my craving a bit. Next time, I will look on the web for a recipe though - not one through Betty Crocker.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What a day!

My day started out wonderful. I woke up to sunny skies. Went downstairs to prepare for breakfast and was greeted by the flowers Chris got me yesterday. The girls were in good spirits and easily got ready to go. We arrived at daycare and our provider was clearly in a bad mood. She was quite rude to me and not so nice to Alivia. I was NOT HAPPY when I left there, but decided not to say anything until my return. I returned to pick up instead of Chris so I can ask her about her behavior. I asked, "Is there a problem that I need to be aware of?" Without getting into the story, I will summerise with...we are looking for new care. They are going to Grandmas house for now. This is just proof that you can not trust your children with just anyone, not even someone who calls herself a Christian. Stating it is one thing, acting as God would is another story. As Chris said after she hung up on him tonight, WE NEED TO PRAY FOR HER!

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Happy Birthday, Grandma Bet!

Last night, we had a small gathering for my Mom's 60th birthday on Monday, June 4. It was just our family, Marsha, Nikki, Mom and Dad (of course), and Char & Jan (close friends of my parents). It was a fun night. Alivia loves parties. I guess we must too since we have so many it seems. :) Mom got a lot of nice things. We gave her a nice locket from Von Maur (my favorite store) and put 4 pictures of the girls inside. I think she liked it. Jan bought a champagne cake from The Cake Gallery (where we normally get our cakes), & it was a huge hit.

Happy Birthday, Mom (aka Grandma)! & many more...

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

A Dry Bed...

I really don't think that before Chris and I were married that we would think that one of our biggest desires now would be to sleep alone together in a dry bed! Alivia has gotten out of bed and snuck into our bed in the middle of the night since shortly after Addison was born. She was 100% potty trained until she started daycare, then reverted to wetting at night. The combination of sleeping in our room and night accidents are a big problem. Last night Alivia was in our bed when I came upstairs for the night. I admit, I ignored her until I was ready to crawl into bed 1 hour past the normal time (so I was good and tired). I went to pick her up and she was soaked, along with many layers of bedding on my side of the bed (including a silk comforter). I was not happy. I gave up pull-ups just last week when I asked her if she wanted to wear panties or pull-ups and she picked panties. It is just not working.

So, the DRY CLEAN ONLY silk comforter was washed along with all our bedding including the pad. Now, I just have to come up with a plan so we can have our clean dry bed back!

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